[heading_box parallax=“content-moving“ parallax_image=“3058″ text_animation=“JACQUELINE REINERS,TIERÄRZTIN“ text_content=“Experienced with all stages of the development for dynamic web projects. Well-versed in programming languages including JavaScript, SQL background in project management and customer relations.“ button1_label=““ canvas_snow=“canvas_animator“ overlay_color=“rgba(0,0,0,0.01)“ overlay_second_color=“rgba(0,0,0,0.01)“ text_color=“#ffffff“ des_align=“text-center“]
  • Name: Jacqueline Reiners
  • Job: Tierärztin/Praxisinhaberin
  • Age: 59 Jahre
  • Residence: Krefeld
  • Hometown: Krefeld

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[hala_button element_id=“1487192042640-0964c084-07d8″ template=“eyJ0ZW1wbGF0ZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQucGhwIiwibGluayI6eyJ0ZXh0IjoiRG93bmxvYWQgQ1YiLCJ1cmwiOiIjIn0sImljb25fZm9udF9jbGFzcyI6ImZhIGZhLWhhbmQtcGVhY2UtbyIsInNpemUiOiJtZWRpdW0iLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6InRleHQtbGVmdCIsInBvc2l0aW9uX2ljb24iOiJsZWZ0IiwibGF5b3V0IjoicHJpbWFyeSJ9″]
Jaqueline Reiners
[title_box title=“Education“ subtitle=“Here’s where I’ve studied“ style_separator=“separator_third“]
[timeline title=“Stipendien-Aufenthalte“]in den USA durch den AFS während der Schulzeit und den DAAD während des Studiums. Lebte dort auf einer großen Pferdefarm in Tennessee[/timeline][timeline title=“FU Berlin“]Studium der Veterinärmedizin[/timeline]
HTML5/CSS3 95%
Photoshop 60%
Branding 75%
Marketing 60%
Development 90%
Design 80%
[title_box title=“Experience“ subtitle=“Here’s where I’ve worked“ style_separator=“separator_third“]
[timeline icon=“Art Director“ title=“Art University“]
2010 – Present

Expenses as material breeding insisted building to in. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. Thing do taste on we manor. Him had wound use found hoped.[/timeline][timeline title=“Web Designer“]

2008 – 2010

So insisted received is occasion advanced honoured. Among ready to which up. Attacks smiling and may out assured moments man nothing outward.[/timeline][timeline title=“Senior Developer „]

2005 – 2008

Excited him now natural saw passage offices you minuter. At by asked being court hopes. Farther so friends am to detract.[/timeline][timeline title=“Front-end Developer“]

2016 – 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in quodsi vulputate pro. Ius illum vocent mediocritatem an, cule dicta iriure at.[/timeline]

[title_box title=“PORTFOLIO“ subtitle=“CKECK IT OUT“ style_separator=“separator_sec“][portfolio_grid column=“col-4″]
[Package_box title=“Basic“ price=“$99″ icon=“fa fa-trophy“ content_package=“

  • Total Users
  • Unlimited Styles
  • Advance Protection
  • Cloud Storage
  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • Backup Service


[Package_box title=“Premium“ price=“$199″ icon=“fa fa-diamond“ content_package=“

  • Total Users
  • Unlimited Styles
  • Advance Protection
  • Cloud Storage
  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • Backup Service

“ el_class=“pricing-best wow fadeInUp depth“]

[Package_box title=“Ultimate“ price=“$299″ icon=“fa fa-gift“ content_package=“

  • Total Users
  • Unlimited Styles
  • Advance Protection
  • Cloud Storage
  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • Backup Service


[title_box title=“GET IN TOUCH“ subtitle=“CONTACT US“ style_separator=“separator_third“]


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Phone & Email

+02 22566899


Working hours

Monday to Saturday – 8am to 5pm

friday – Closed


Egypt, Damietta, El Hoda Street West Victoria 254

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